I came across the fact that, it takes you around 60,000 years to watch all videos in YouTube.
I started to wonder how many years it would take to read all the books in the world!
The thought got the better of me. I did a small research on this.
(If you are not fond of numbers, just skip to the end for the answer).
An average person reads about 200 to 250 words per minute. Depending on the text difficulty it may take from 50 to 75 words per minute. At the maximum, it would take up to 5 to 6 minutes per page.
Did you know that, Google has counted the total number of books in the world? They arrived at 129864880. Let us assume that each book consists of about 100 pages.
Reading at the rate of 3 minutes per page would take you about 20 pages per hour. So, it would take about 5 hours to complete a single book as per the assumption.
Reading for a total of 24 hours, you would have completed around 5 books. So, per day you read about 5 books. Roughly calculating, it would take about 25972976 days to read all the books in the world, which amounts to 71,158 years.
So many numbers. I am neither trying to show off my math skill nor draw you towards reading books. Just wanted to say there are a lot number of books out there on every damn topic. So, check out for books on any topic and do write to me if there isn't one.
I started to wonder how many years it would take to read all the books in the world!
The thought got the better of me. I did a small research on this.
(If you are not fond of numbers, just skip to the end for the answer).
An average person reads about 200 to 250 words per minute. Depending on the text difficulty it may take from 50 to 75 words per minute. At the maximum, it would take up to 5 to 6 minutes per page.
Did you know that, Google has counted the total number of books in the world? They arrived at 129864880. Let us assume that each book consists of about 100 pages.
Reading at the rate of 3 minutes per page would take you about 20 pages per hour. So, it would take about 5 hours to complete a single book as per the assumption.
Reading for a total of 24 hours, you would have completed around 5 books. So, per day you read about 5 books. Roughly calculating, it would take about 25972976 days to read all the books in the world, which amounts to 71,158 years.
So many numbers. I am neither trying to show off my math skill nor draw you towards reading books. Just wanted to say there are a lot number of books out there on every damn topic. So, check out for books on any topic and do write to me if there isn't one.
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